almondeye7's Diaryland Diary


Ode to the Nose Picker!

Because I never have anything really important to write about today I'm going to Rant and Rave about nose pickers! ODE TO THE NOSE PICKER! ODE TO THE NOSE PICKER! I am a nose picker! Why am I not ashamed of this? because I know that who ever you are reading this you too are a nose picker! ODE TO THE NOSE PICKER! Fuck It! We should all just come out and admit it! Nose picking is not a habit. It is a bodiely function. I mean come on! what do you do when you have a burger in your nose. Are you gonna pick it? You betcha! Why? Because when your out in public most times you have nothing to blow your nose on or your stuck somewhere stupid like a bus or an elevater. I have noticed so many stange things people do with thier burgers. Some people flick it. Some people Wipe it. Some people smear it. And yes, some even taste it! As gross as this seems the fact is everyone has done it! Fuck it! We are a whole world of nose pickers! Face it. It's unconfortable and lame to have a burger in your nose! ODE TO THE NOSE PICKER! The funny thing is most people are ashamed and afraid to admit that they pick thier nose! Why! It's the natrual thing to do when there are no other options. So ODE TO THE NOSE PICKER! ODE TO THE NOSE PICKER! Hear! Hear! ODE TO THE NOSE PICKER!!!

* This is another Angie no Brainer about life and stuff* Duh!!

9:05 a.m. - 2002-06-13


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