almondeye7's Diaryland Diary


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It's funny how sometimes I can go for months and not really look at my self in the mirror...I mean REALLY look at myself. I look pretty damn good! Why couldn't have I looked this good in high school? I've been told I'll age gracefully. I noticed little things about myself. A few gray hairs, laugh lines, my complextion is changing. But despite all of that my body looks good although I would like to hit the gym. It's been like almost 2 years since I've gone to the gym(other than to look at the men of course!) Anyhow I would really like to tone my body up. I consider myself a very sensual, sexual women. Body language is very important. I belive that any women can be matter thier size or looks if they carry themselves right. A lady should always look and feel her best. I dress sexy and act sexy not because it turns men on but because it turns ME on as well. I like to look this way. I feel healthy and young and alive. Some women "let themselves go" later in life. I don't think I could ever do that. I mean I honestly think that the ageing process can be a positive experence if all women would look at them selves with a sence of humor. Why hide yourself from the world? Not perfect? So what? If you think that you are you will be. Have you ever seen a well put together older women? I mean she's still sexy, she's still got a good body, she takes care of herself and people can tell. I know that one day I'll get all saggy and baggy and I'll be a wrinkley mess but dose that mean I have to look it? Hell No! I'm a firm beliver that beauty come from with in. It's only natrual that as we age self mantenince is nessasary.

I find that the more I laugh at myself and this overbearing world the more I appeciate all that there is laid out before me. Negativity is the worst soul damaging feeling there is. Even when everyone around me is negative I try so hard to see some kind of good in a situation. God never closes one door without opening another. This world is cold and unfeeling sometimes. What has it come to when people can't even look one another in the eye anymore. How is it in a the day of the Computers, the cel phones, the faxes and the other communication devices out there that there are more lonely people in this world than ever before? It's sad really. Our government makes us belive in democracey and the "American Way". What way is that? Boms in our schools? Priests molesting children? Terrists in our skies? lieing polictions in our offices? the homeless and sick our dying in our streets...Fires burn our forests because of careless people...the animals that rule our planet are vanishing because of the human need to selfishly bulid concret slabs over thier geen orchids. I wish I could change all that. What would our life be like with out hate? without war? without prejustice? Sometimes I'll be out walking about and I'll stop for a moment and really smell the flowers or really look up at the stars...then I know thier is a God. And he has commanded balence and harmony among the suffering. I feel like its the job of his people to take care of on another and to take pride in the beauty around us and in ourselves.

7:53 a.m. - 2002-06-20


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