almondeye7's Diaryland Diary


walking with maryjane in cyber space and cloud # 9

Okay so here I am on Sat night stoned out of my mind....Love being this high...I like to get caught up in the spins* dizzy* I like to get the munchies.

I like to get so high sometimes that I feel like I'm flying,like a little vacation.....

Anyway So I'm all hooked up and pluged on at home too.Kinna feel like the "Borg" from startrek. I can see the headlines now..: INTERNET JUNKIE....*Tilts her head to the right in deep thought*( a year ago I couldnt of affored a I have plenty if cash...uummm maybe just a good month for me.) I will use restaint.

I wish Chris were here....He's at home right now and not in driving condition, He's chatting on the net with me...Im sure I'll be up untill o'dark hundred. Just before dawn is my favorite part of the day and a rare treat when I'm able to enjoy it.I'll take the time to see the sunrise. I had a dream about Chris and me last night: we were saying "I do". Strange...I woke up and instantly wished he was here....but I woke up with a smile and the dream slowly melting off me...right now the only thought in my head is how much of a turn in it is for me when his glasses get all steamed up he's kissen me!!God! Thats Sexy!!**Giggle**

11:31 p.m. - 2002-06-22


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