almondeye7's Diaryland Diary


Are you a chimpanzee?

Today I looked at the newspaper and it said they found a 6 millon year old skull. It's supposed to be the oldest example of human like remains. I'm confused. Religion, according to the bible only started 10,000 years ago. They say thet this scull dates back to the time when the first human ancestors split fron the chimpanzees. Am I to assume then, that the first humans were in a chimpanzee like form? Is that the picture the bible paints? No. As I've gotten older I've relized that religion is important. As humans, faith and knowlege play a vital balence in our existance. I Know that science and religion must be at a constant battle. I dont think I'm ready for religion or the knowlege of science vs. religion theroy. How much do I really need to undersatand? It's tough for me to belive in the bible when there is something else out there that I can feel and touch that contradicts everything the bible says. Is it a trick? I dont know what to think of this dicovery. Scentists say it is the most important piece of evedence that human like spieces existed before the on set of the dates in the bible. Ummm...if that is true then it would imply that the bible is a piece of crap. A lie. And what of God? There IS A God...I have FELT God. Who or what he is I don't know. I used to think that God was a women. After all she is a creater of the heavens and all things known. And besides who but a women would create such beauty? But now I think that God is an entity. A being that just is who it is. God. And what of "little green men"? there must be other human like creatures out there...inteligent beings. Is our "God" also the creater of them? I should hope so. The Bible as it is written today, is so off from the original version. Centries of being rewritten and misinturpeted has caused irreplaceble inconsistantcies. The dates in the bible for example dont always seem to add up. And irronicly the only problem that I really have with the good book is those types of inconsistantcies. Even if the Bible made some sence other than..."because it just is" theroy. Brings me back to the old question. What really came first? the chicken or the egg? Most people would say the chicken. But what if the egg was supposed to come first and the chicken was just some sort of wierd byproduct of the egg? Ummm. If a tree fell and no one was there to hear it did the tree fall? Sure. But who cares? Thats my point. Religion is something that has been shoved down my face sence I was I kid. weather it be through the media or my parents or the schools or the like. On the flip side when I would ask quesions about matters such as religion vs. science I got answers that just didnt fit together. Go figer. So this skull could possably tell the world that the bible is in fact wrong...Ummmm. Christians and bible thumpers must be going out of thier minds.....


8:12 a.m. - Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002


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