almondeye7's Diaryland Diary


Survey my mind/ rebirth

1. Do you remember when computer floppy discs were 5" big and *really* floppy? (all)

I remember being told by my dad, (I was 15 at the time) "This is NOT a toy...You are not allowed to touch it! it cost thousands!!!" So I remember watching with great enthusasim my father, welcoming himself into the .com age with "flair"

2. Just how old are you? (all)

Well, thats a toughie. I'm old enough to know when to hold em, when to walk away and know when to run.

3. Have you heard of the band Headlight Parade? (all)

No. Again, I'm just too old. Is that a gay pride thing?

4. Do you think that's because you're too young, too old, or some other reason? (all)

Some "other" reason. Can you guess what it is? OHHHH thats right I'm just too damn old!!!

5. What color ink do you write in? (all)

Now...Thats an interesting question....What if I don't use a pen? # 2 extra sharp pencil....ground into the sharpener untill it's just a little nub with a an eraser.

6. How legible is your handwriting? (all)


7. Do you like Thai food? (all)

Yes. But only after some really hot sex and only if it's 2 am.

8. Do you have a light? (all)

Yes. Do you?

9. Ever drink herbal tea? What's your favorite? (all)

Of Course!!! I drink a deep red tea made with hibiscus flowers. The fact that this question is on here proves my point..I'm just too damn old.

10. A good way to keep cool on a hot summer day is to drink iced peppermint tea. Do you have any helpful tips or recipes to share with me? (all)

helpful tip? heres one...Never ever attempt to masterbate in a moving elevater. (Don't ask!)

11. Okay, but will you do the dishes? (all)

Ummmm....I won't do my own so I don't think so.

12. 1984 or 1776? (all)

1776. Only because I like corrsets.

13. Fork or spoon? (all)

niether one...I like useing my little toe. ( you never asked what for!)

14. Stars or stripes? (all)

I'm a STAR Baby!!

15. Do you have anything pierced? What? (all)

I have my belly button pierced. It's neat. Oh and those other 2 holes on my....Ears. One on either side.

16. Has your hair ever been a primary color? Which one? (all)

is primary the word your looking for? Ummmm....Red. But it was more of an orange so that dosent count dose it?

17. Would you rather be able to see a new color, or hear a new note? (You know, one no one has ever been able to see before. Like when you take lots of acid.) (all)

I don't know I have never took acid. I'm just a stoner chick that smokes too much fucking weed.

18. Actually I've never taken acid. Have you? Was it fun? Do you find drugs immoral? What about red wine? (all)

I do not find weed immoral. Nor do I find red wine immoral. However, the person that chooses his drug of choice...must be able to support it, and be willing to fight for it. Fight the laws. Fight the people. fight the cops. And fight for the right to use it. Example. Weed.

19. How do you take your eggs? (all)

I don't steal!!! If your asking how I like them cooked... I like them HARD.

20. When you actually stop to think about it, isn't eating eggs kind of disgusting? (all)

No. Ever stop to think what goes into anything fast food? How about a hot dog?

21. How do you feel about tofu? (all)

It makes me "feel" sick. Tofu is for strange people. Except me.

22. Bush or Chimp? (all)

Bush. (Don't ask)

23. Alpha or Omega? (all)

niether. I don't dig frat kids.

24. Triangle or circle? (all)

Triangle. Wanna know why? No reason. Just needed an answer to the stupid question.

25. Do bartenders make good friends? (all)

sure. I go to cheers and they always "Know my name".

almondeye7's comment on this survey: I don't want to add a SHORT comment. I've already spent far to much time here.

I told Chris just the other day that as time goes on I feel like I lose track of the days and months often. I look back through this jornal and I realize all that has changed in just a gew months. Chris and I had a rough 3 or 4 months...but we stuck through it...our first big issue I guess. Money. Chris is the type of guy that needs to see whats comming tomorrow. I just belive that it will work it's self out. I the dreamer he's the realist. Thats why we are so drawn to each other...over the past few months, Chris and I have drawn out our little demons and barred our teeth. And then one day we looked at each other and just said we are loseing each other...and then we talked...all night. I think for the first time I realized that I could stop trying to win him and just enjoy "US". Somehow I forgot that I already had him. It sacared me to think that sometimes I forgot what life was like without him. This man has saved me in every way...I have grown within myself since Chris has come into my life...I can honestly say that he knows me almost as well as I know myself. Even in our darkest hour when either one of us could have walked away I still could not picture my life with out him.

Miranda and Chris have grown very close the last few months. He was moved when Miranda made him a fathers day card. I must say from a 6 year olds standpoint it was a big gift...she even spelled out "I Love You Chris" all by herself. the backward "s" and the mispelled words are priceless. She lost her first tooth the other day...her first one in was her first one out. Funny, my mom told me it was the same with me. I wonder is the order in witch baby teeth fall out genetic? Ummm...

I enjoy watching Chris with Miranda, he is so loving and gental. He bangs his head on the wall right along with me when she misbehaves! Although Miranda did very well in school this year she still is strong willed, intelligent, outspoken, questionable, and amazing. But thats not so bad. She just so many years ahead of herself. She and I are connected souls...she is just like me. and I love that! That means she will have strong charater, a strong heart and mind. But lord, she is also a's a hard to focus her attention on something that dosen't intrest her. I've realized that Miranda is a more thoughtful child than most. She see's things differtly, She has the power to make you belive her. She is truly a charm...My girl My Girl. I am truely blessed,

I am now working for a division of lifetouch Photography...Thank God! I am SO HAPPY! I have been serching for a photographers position for quite sometime. anyway it's great being behind the camra again. My creativity level is spilling over...My days are fast and fun. It's hard to be in a bad mood at the end of the day when people have been smiling at you all day. :) Love it! Love it! Love it! Mom and dad are going to help with the loan so that I can go back to school in the fall. I am 110% ready. This is my shot to finish all up...I can't wait. Classes start Sept 24th. Chris is going to go over my math skills with me...seems I've forgotten alot of shit that I'm going to need to know...Why the hell don't I retain any math skills? Is THAT genetic? But anyway I got the best teacher in the world...and he's good for more than quizes!

Disneyland was JAZZ! We all had such a blast...I'll write about that later... So what do you say folks? Should a reopen my diary? We'll see...

11:23 p.m. - Thursday, Jun. 19, 2003


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